Plachetka Karina


Karina Plachetka

1997-2000 Studien in der Freien Kunstwerkstatt Prof. Hans Seeger in München mit Schwerpunkt Zeichnung, Illustration, Malerei.
2000 Diplomabschluss
2005, 2007 Studienaufenthalte in Florenz.
Seit 1999 freischaffend tätig als Illustratorin, Malerin, seit 2003 auch als Privatlehrerin. Ausstellungen und Teilnahme an Kunstmessen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
Seit 2008 Ausstellungen in der Atelier-Galerie Milchstr. 4 in München
bevorzugte Bildgattungen: Landschaft, Stilleben, Portrait,
bevorzugte Techniken: Ölmalerei, Aquarell, Tusche, Bleistift.


Karina Plachetka is an artist who works in oils, water colors, pen, and ink. Her favorite subjects include portraits, landscapes, still lifes.
Born and raised in Poland, Karina currently lives in Germany near Munich. A graduate of the "Freie Kunstwerkstatt Prof. Hans Seeger" in München, she has been trained in the illustration, design and painting.
After graduating in 2000 Karina exhibited her "jazz drawing" cycle in Munich and her painting in Salzburg, Erfurt, Osnabrück. In 2005 and 2007 she traveled to Italy for the summer to study the Italian masters. In 2006 she participated at the Art International in Zürich, in 2007 at the EUROP`ART GENÈVE in Genf and exibited her realistic works and landscapes.
Since 2008 she exhibits her works at the Studio-Gallery, Milchstr. 4 in Munich.

Karina  Plachetka
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